Starting Weight: 170 lbs
Goal Weight: 130 lbs
Current Weight: 167lbs
I have lost 3 pounds in one week!
- I use myfitnesspal on my Iphone to track my calories, although not a 100% on point, it does help me manage.
- Strict low calorie diet - Limited to 1300 calories a day.
- Regular exercise with 30-40 minutes Cardio and weight training
- African Mango Supplement
I think this week has been a great week, Its been so motivating for me to continue my routine, as I am seeing results. I haven't been able to work out as much, and i did cheat a few times but managed to stay on my calorie limit.
Goal: Do more cardio and eat less snacks.
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» Weightloss Diary - Week 1
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