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Live Chic Love Announcement

Hey guys, I wanted to address some stuff that has been going on the blog. Comments: LivechicLove has always asked users to comment and share their input, but only as MEMBERS of the blog. I wanted it to an open dialogue for everyone to take a part in, and include your views and create something that is suitable for all that actually read this blog. Authors: A few people have reached out to me, wanting to help write for the blog. They no longer will be writing for the blog, or tweeting on my behalf. Sorry for any inconvenience. Twitter: I use twitter for just about anything Blog Related, Plus I do tweet things that are not big enough for a blog post. Bad Girls Club coverage: I think people are really interested in bad girls club, and I do follow a ton of BGC on twitter, so seemed like a plausible thing to do. The blog has since received more HITS. Sponsors: Currently This blog is NOT sponsored and has not Posted any Sponsored posts. There's no affiliation with GOOGLE ADSENSE or anything else. I do this blog for fun, and It's nothing to make money of. HOWEVER If you would like to contact the blog for Reviews or anything, you can contact me on twitter @livechiclove or livechiclove@gmail.com Posts: What I post is what I find interesting, or what I found out, or What I think readers and searchers want.


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