Walking Dead S3E3 (thoughts)

The Episode was alright, I think the character governor will bring tons action and drama this season, and hes very intimidating.
Andrea finally got screen time but she's been sick till now, and very dependent on Michonne, I liked Andrea's metamorphosis into a gun wielding bad ass that holds her own.  
Michonne is a beloved fan favorite character, but I'm not going to lie, She's not my favorite. She's kind of this new person that doesn't inflict intimidation like the governor does! You'd think she'd be more interesting, but she barely talks, and when she does it's kind of irrelevant. Shes more of Andrea's sidekick, but I really want to see what the writers have instore, so I wont completely dismiss her.
Merle is never a favorite and I think Daryl is where my heart is FOREVER!

I hate that the episodes are so divided, they need to be a mix of both "crews", instead of one episode being only Rick's crew and one being Governors.
I don't really like that this episode didn't have much Zombies, because I absolutely LOVE zombies and I had to watch Dawn of the Dead again, to get my Zombie kick.

Overall the episode was very slow paced, and I do understand that it needed to be that way to set the story line and evolve characters, but seriously I was aching for glimpse of Rick and Daryl.

I'm still a PROUD fan of the show, and just cause one episode sucked out of the whole series so far, doesn't mean it's going downhill.


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